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Educational Play Tools for a Child’s First Year

Educational Play Tools for a Child’s First Year

During the critical developmental phase from birth to age 5, a child's brain undergoes its most rapid growth. While genetics play a role, research highlights that a substantial 90% of a child's brain development takes place in these formative years. This blog aims to provide valuable insights and recommendations for toys that can effectively support children during this crucial period.

Circle Time: Early Holiday Prep: Dollhouse Assembly Guide

Circle Time: Early Holiday Prep: Dollhouse Assembly Guide

During the holiday season, families are on the lookout for a special gift that will bring joy to children not only on the special day but also in the days that follow. It's a time when these treasured presents are carefully selected, lovingly wrapped, and presented with joy and anticipation. In this festive season, our objective is to provide people with guidance to make their shopping and gift-giving experience as smooth and stress-free as can be.

One of the most cherished gifts of all time is a dollhouse. Since 2003, the Victorian Dollhouse has been an exceptional and highly prized gift. While we advocate for early gift shopping, this blog will shine a spotlight on dollhouses, with a specific focus on the Victorian Dollhouse.

Encouraging A Young Aries

Förderung eines jungen Widders

Dies ist unser erster Blogbeitrag in unserer neuen Zodiac-Reihe. In dieser Serie geben wir Einblicke in jedes Zeichen, zusammen mit PlanToys-Produktempfehlungen, um die Qualitäten zu fördern, die Ihre Kleinen vom Universum selbst beschenkt wurden.

Encouraging A Young Taurus

Einen jungen Stier ermutigen

Es ist an der Zeit, die Eigenschaften eines Stiers zu erkunden! Wir feiern dieses Erdzeichen vom 20. April bis zum 20. Mai. Stiere sind dafür bekannt, die Welt mit ihrem Ehrgeiz, ihrer Entschlossenheit und ihrem Einfühlungsvermögen zu bereichern. Wir freuen uns, einige PlanToys-Produkte vorzustellen, die zur Entwicklung dieser bewundernswerten Eigenschaften beitragen können!
